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艺术课每周上四到五节课. The art classes are taught from an approach that relies heavily on studio and material experience. There are, however, elements of discipline-based art education (DBAE). DBAE is centered on a systematic sequential teaching method that emphasizes four areas of the arts: art production, 艺术批评, 艺术历史, 和美学. This approach to art education provides a wide range of learning techniques that can act as a conceptual bridge to other subjects. Skills as well as creativity are developed during this process.

Beginning in 2012, Stevenson has had professional collaborations with multiple galleries and artists. This opportunity for public affirmation of students’ efforts allows them to build pride and confidence in their own abilities and provide a forum for positive and reinforcing interactions between parents and their children.


One of the best ways for students to engage in the Stevenson community is through the 表演艺术. If you’re looking to test your abilities as an actor or improvisor, to take part in classical or contemporary productions, 或者受到启发去发展原创表演, you will find that Stevenson offers countless opportunities for students to be in the spotlight.

全球最大的博彩平台, students of the 表演艺术 are not only given the academic and therapeutic resources they need to succeed, they’re offered the full scope of theatrical opportunities uniquely and abundantly available here in New York City. Stevenson’s 表演艺术 classes offer diverse experiences, 从完全上演的戏剧作品, to performing with professional improvisors at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, to taking part in the New York City Shakespearean Monologue competition. Stevenson students have also performed in off-broadway theatres around the city, attended private backstage tours of Broadway Theatres, 和魔术专家一对一的交流, 音乐剧, 舞台上的战斗, corresponded with professional playwrights from around the world, and have even had their original scripts published and performed by a Broadway theatre company. 

All students are invited to take part in Stevenson’s 表演艺术 regardless of their background in performance or prior experience. Each class is designed to create a comfortable classroom community where students feel safe to experiment and inspired to perform. This individualized approach to teaching each class establishes a safe space for newer performers to learn from those with more experience, while students with more experience continue to build and grow their own repertoire of skills and talents on stage.

Each unit of learning with students is experiential and exploratory, which means students often engage in activities that deepen their understanding outside the more formal limitations and constructs of a classroom space (which often means students are on their feet, 没有坐在办公桌前). Using performance as a mechanism to fully immerse students in a text can transform a solo reading experience into the expression or embodiment of emotional literacy and comprehension. 表演给学生一种能动性, allowing them to articulate their learning as they sculpt, 评估, and evolve their knowledge and understanding of text. They engage empathically with characters in plays, and consider cultural and historical contexts to drive and refine artistic choices in performance. Whether Stevenson students are reading aloud the works of Shakespeare or writing and performing original monologues, each students’ unique voice is not only validated, 但鼓掌.



摄影及电影 classes are led by full-time staff, who are also established professionals in the media field.

在电影界度过了整整一年, students can expect to explore overarching ideas: filmmaking as a juxtaposition of images that advance a story, film having three phases (each with their own rules and traditions), 每个故事都有一个开始, 中间和结尾. 在探索这些伟大的想法时, students may work with specific topics like composition of 视觉 images, 非对话剧本的要素, and key skills such as footage organization and project setup.

整整一年的摄影, students can expect to explore such overarching ideas as the importance of exposure, 焦点, 白平衡, and lens selection; the role of a clear primary subject in the photographic frame; and photography’s need for purpose, 意义, 停止力量. 就像我们在全球最大的博彩平台艺术学院的所有工作一样, class experiences integrate both thinking and doing—direct opportunities to practice the craft and conceptual grounding to deepen an understanding of those tasks.


艺术表现 is an annual celebration of and immersion in varied art forms for the entire Stevenson community. 学生, 教师, and staff participate in multiple days of workshops, 艺术项目, 文学阅读, 还有戏剧和音乐表演. We extend invitations to professionals who work in fields like culinary, 视觉, 戏剧性的, 文学, 跳舞, 音乐来分享他们的过程/经验.  We also go to visit such artists on their home turfs for a deep New York City arts experience.  Just some of our participants have included Tony Danza – actor/author, 莱西·弗里德尔——百老汇女演员, 高级编辑特雷西·谢罗德, 史蒂夫·菲利普斯——百老汇制片人, 劳伦·福克斯——女演员兼企业家.